Monday, March 8, 2010

Things of great value!

Hello everyone! So, let's open the discussion and let us start with a simple topic. This week, let's share about those things (objects, gadgets, toys, etc., etc..) that were, are or could be of great value for you. Why are they important for you? Why are they of great value? Who would like to start???????


  1. Things of great value

    I’m not the kind of guy who has strong feelings about things or objects in my life, but there are many things which I enjoy having and taking care of, for example: my electric guitar. I really like that guitar because my father gave it to me on my nineteenth birthday, that’s why I’m very careful with that guitar, and I don’t like when people put their hands on it, because they make it dirty and I really hate when that happens.

    Other thing I care about is my playstation 3. Because I enjoy to play videogames all the time, some of the videogames that I like to play are kill zone, uncharted, little big planet, motor storm, uncharted among thieves etc. I like playstation because it lets the user navigate in the internet, download music and videos, keep photos and cd´s, and let the user watch movies on DVD and blue ray disc.

    By: omar jimenez

  2. When i was a child i used to claim the trees, today no, I bought my first book, when I was 10 years ago, was Aladino and the wonderful lamp, I claim the tree, used to read up the tree.
    My second book was mother and daughters, is not a good book, but I read,
    Throughout my life I read several books, I have some favorites the Iliad, I like the goods, were fantastic goods, with human emotions, them are god friends, if you need to help, they help you.
    Another book is Sad Sunday, is beautiful by Ricardo Garibay, in this book talk about the waves of Hawaii, so I want to travel to Hawaii, this is my dream.
    I enjoy Oscar Wilde that writer is extraordinary, Portrait of Dorian Gray, the selfish giant is beautiful, The prince happy, the decay of lying, I have read several books by Oscar Wilde.
    I like music, usually I listen jazz or opera, but in the office, I try to do not listen to opera little annoying workmates.

  3. The most important things in my life

    Well, I don’t think that the things are more important than my family for example, or my friends but some things that I have affection are:

    I have some pillowcases that my mom made when I was born. The pillowcase have a little dog but she in that moment felt horror to the dogs because on TV was passing the serie “Cuna de lobos” or “El maleficio” I don’t remember very well the history jajajaja but my mom couldn’t see the little dogs.

    When I finished the high school my mom gave me a classic guitar because I always liked one and I still have the guitar in my bedroom and when I was 21 she bought me a car (that I've crashed twice already but my loving car still exist and it running wonderfully )

    Nowdays, I bought an Ipod but the difference is that I bought it with my first check of my first job (the only job that I'm having jajajaja) although I'm still paying for it with my credit card but it no matter because I have an Ipod .

    I have the idea that “give fondness don’t buy it” but it doesn’t come to the paragraph but I remember it

  4. When I was a little girl, I used to dress very sassy, one day I was a Hawaiian dancer going to the supermarket and the day after that I was a cowboy taking art classes, a butterfly or a witch, so I had a lot of customs and a lot of people knew that and came to my house to ask for my customs or my accessories like my wigs, purses or my hats, So I borrowed it.

    But I always said…Oh! I hope they look after my dress or my hat. Because I loved my cloths…but I grew up, and the cloths didn’t fit me anymore, so, I gave all my customs to my little sister and my cousins.

    Nowadays the only things of great value that I have are things like, for example a little hand bag made of copper that belong to my great grandmother. This Bag is important to me because is an old thing that was worn by an important member of my family… Photos of my entire Family, Letters made for my best friends, a sketch of me made for my boyfriend and stuffs like that. Actually I don’t have gadgets or any objects more important for me.

  5. My name is Margarita I have three brothers and two sisters, last firs of may my family had a gathering, they took a cook class, it was funny because everybody ended up dirty with white faces from the flour.
    My brother Eduardo took photographs I saw them and I laughed a lot.
    I like my family, one day my brother Eduardo took a photo with all the family, but I don’t know where there is.

  6. Good, the truth is that I don´t thought in the most important things I have, but now I realized that the most valuable thing I have are
    things people have given me.
    Now remember when I was three years old my uncle gave me a giant teddy bear, very nice and white, since that day has been my favorite, the bear has a very important value for me.
    Also, the first bike I had when I was six years old that Santa Claus gave me jijiji remember the best moments pass as a child playing with that.
    Now I grew up, have become important things that my friends and my family have given me, as letters, cards and small gifts as bracelets, earrings, balloons, necklaces, CD's, movies for example. Because I know that with these small things show me that love me.
    However, my photos are also memories of great value to appreciate.
    Another thing that is very very special to me are my books because I have learned from each different and unique things.

  7. I think that the material things facilitate our lives. I work in the department of human resources and utilize a lot of information of the employees all the time however I don’t have good memory. My computer helps me to have the information necessary also can speak with my friends, listen to music for relax and I can know new places without travelling.

    Other important objects for my are my stuffeds toys . I have many stuffeds toys in my room. All are gifts of my friends or my family and all are memories of a special moment. My favorite is a cat that me gift my mom when my cat itself lose and I was very sad.

  8. Hello, I just want to talk about one of my hobbies, I really enjoy watching all about Tuning, the last January my girlfriend and I went to Toluca to watch an exhibition of low riders it was great because we took a lot of pictures and we could get into a modified and pimped Hummer and by the afternoon, we could see many racers between fast cars, I am waiting for the next tuning exhibition because I want to participate with my truck, I have a pimped truck but it isn´t ready yet. The problem is that this is an expensive hobby but with patience and work, I hope that mine will be one of the best. I am willing to win some prize in the future as well as winning a race. I like driving fast although my parents say that races are dangerous but I don´t think so, especially if they are done in right places race track, and of course, with the correct training. I know it would be hard to make them understand how important is to realize this desire to me but, I am sure they will get a little bit confidence as well as I show them responsibility. Of course, it would not be an easy task but I need to try. Anyway, if you like cars, I would like to invite you to participate in this kind of events, I am sure you will enjoy them.

  9. Hi my name is Xochitl, I’m 18 years old. The most importan in my life is my family. I have a big family. My dad his name is Vicente, My mom her name is Angelica, my brothers Vicnete, Julio and Sebastian and my sister her name is Itzel. My grandmom lives in my house I love her. They help me in everything.

    Also my friends are like my family for example, my best friends are Lucia, Karla and Alejandro. We have a lot of experiences. We won a history countest, We went to camping and We made a lot parties. We suport each other in many situations.

    Later afther High School. We don’t see each other, but sometimes talking for telephone or We write and send mails.

    Last March my friend Lucia told me She was pregnant but later Karla told me she was also pregnant. It was a very difficult situation
    because I didn’t konow how to help but now Lucy has a baby girl her name is kitzia and Karla has a baby boy his name is Sebastian. Maybe I am a godmother of kitzia ¡¡¡¡I LOVE THE IDEA!!!!

  10. Things

    From the things I like are more and more aircraft Attacking those, because I like that feeling you get rid pudes free of what the earth feels that flying is exciting to feel the sky and feel the force near the speed all .... is something that I really like and I like to fly a plane one day and feel more emotion than when I see and climb on them, I really like and collect some planes and much care is one of the things I like in this crazy world .


    I like the Mayan people they built a great civilization and great architectural wonder, the Maya are part of our culture and we know of interesting people, the culture and knowledge that left the world, its people and I like that is a mystical people, a people full of wisdom smart leading from generation to generation and so I interested in people Mayan and Mexican culture.

  11. the family is part of the members of a household that is very important treasure and nurture. the family has many virtues and need to know how to share the things in it as well as the problems you have to know them and are able to solve the family is a source of communication also is a problem because when we go to the members to know that it what happens is that knowing why value and family is very important.

  12. “THE T.V”

    This is a mean of communication for the people, also can be a mean of entertainment in the families and this promote the life together.

    The T.V. is a mean very important for the human man for where anyone is informated and entertainment. But we should know that watch the t.v. in excess could be taking serious problems.

    The T.V. is an important technology advanced but we have to drive it appropriate. The t.v is a mean where you can be informate for all that be in the world and many things, also you can entertainment with the programs, competitions, songs, videos etc.

    In short words the t.v is a mean where you entertainment the enough.


  14. Computer
    Hi! I´m César
    I have things very importants, I will talk about the computer. In my life the computer is something necessary and important. My computer is a tool to do homeworks, to talk with my friends and other people in different places. In general is a entertainment to me because I like the music and I like listening it in the computer. Actually I watch videos in internet and sometimes I check the news in the newspapers’ website. I chat with my friends with my girlfriend and I have friends I knew in internet.
    My laptop is black color, I bought two years ago and I bought it because I needed to do my home work but I couldn´t. Why? Because my sister was all the time in the computer of desk then I started to save money and I bought my laptop and Is so important because in the school I have to make law writings and is in computer. For all this, I think my computer is important to my life is necessary. I believe “everybody in the english classroom need the computer”.

  15. Hello, I´m Mishell…

    Although I have many things important for me, I think the more necessary it´s my cell phone. My cell phone is the Sony Ericsson brand and I do many things with it. It is black color and it´s decorated with a doctor who gave me my best friend.

    The cell phone helps me a lot when I do school work and need to communicate with my mates, I talk to my friends for a long time.

    The cell phone with me everywhere, I hear my favorite music and record sounds, inclusively I record my university classes. It also allows me take a pictures in any place where I am, these pictures after I see and remember the fantastic times.

    It is my alarm clock in the morning and when I fall asleep on the bus, but I need to activate five alarms because I can not wake up fast. The cell phone I've dropped many times, but fortunately it is very sturdy and holds everything, hahaha.

    Definitely, the cell phone is the most important thing for me!!!

  16. Things

    I have a drawer under to my bed, where I keep my objects more important. In this box I have two or three notebooks important in my student life, for example I have one notebook of my history class in high school. This notebook is very important for me, because when I studied this subject I loved.
    My teacher were very good explained his class and I learned much for history thanks for this professor and for this reason I am still keeping my notebook. Well other thing that I keep in the drawer is my favorite book but this book is different, because this book is the first that I read without a teacher ask me maybe isn’t the best book that I read but is the most important for me.
    In my birthday number eighteen; my uncle gave me my favorite jacket. This jacket is very special for me because this led me to many parties during the school and the most important is when I asked to my girlfriend if she wanted to my girlfriend I was wearing this jacket.
    In my bedroom I have posters to rock and roll in the wall all these are gifts to my girlfriend and ex-girlfriends, because I love this music I have one poster to the doors and the Beatles.
    There are many other objects that are of great importance for me, but these are the most important for me

  17. Hello im enrique and in all my life there are many things very important for me. When i was a little baby obviously i recived all attention of my parents. They always took care of me and in all my life they are going to do it. The love that i received to them i will never forget it. For me this is the more important thing in my life. But there are many things also important for me I save photographies to my friends family and all my life. I have alot of cd`s that some friends have given me also I have some feits of all size. I love buy tennis and it is very important for me i like wear good. My parents friends and my girlfriends give me clothes and caps i like it. I like very much the technology and my computer and my zune(reproducer music) are my Partners of travel i cannot live without it. I suppose that there are many things importants for me but these are the most important.
    I have many people important for me for example my elementary`s school friends and my highschool`s friends there i did many friends also in the university i have good friends and obviously all my friends my grandparents my uncles and aunts my cousins my brother my sister and the best persons in my life my father and my mother.
    I forget one person jajaja my girlfriend obvious i love her


    •One of the most important things in my life was achieving to finish my career of Actuary, it was very hard at the beginning, nevertheless the subjects in college became more interesting and perhaps that’s why the last semesters in college were not that difficult to me.
    •Another transcendent thing was being able to get a good job. Nowadays I’m working in an insurance company and I’ve founded it pretty interesting, despite the fact this wasn’t exactly what I wanted when I finished my career. However, throughout all this time I’ve been working there, I could’ve learned a lot and I’m sure that will make me get a better job in the future and probably I’ll get one in the area I’ve always been interested in, which is the financial area.
    •I also would like to have a huge collection of animated films and romantic comedies because those are the genres I like the most. At this moment, my collection isn’t big but I hope I can afford it someday.

  19. Hi I’m Mariel and I’m going to talk toy you about my most important thing, at first I don’t know exactly but I choose the school I know that is impossible that a person say that but for me is very important because this is the place where no only you go to study and is so bored, no for me is the place where you learn a lot of things in all the aspects about the signatures obviously, the friendship, about to be a better person day by day. I’m really happy to belong to one of the most important school of Mexico: UNAM, to be more specific in the CCH of Naucalpan. Thanks of this place I can say that I have a lot of important things like my friends, experiences, any moments, feelings that a teenager have in this period, etc. It’s a comfortable place to me because there I found persons with different points of view and other with similar ideas, but you can learn about their. The people are very friendly and when you need help they give you.

  20. I don´t know that writte about this topic when suddenly I remember a toy that is important for me.
    I was seven years old I was very happy beacuse I went to shool and played all day It was fantastic! I didn´t think in superficial thing.
    My brother was eigth years old and He is very intelligent. Then he received money because he was a good student. He save his money and before he bought diferent thing. Nothing for me.
    When was “children´s day” my brother gave me a surprise I could not believe it but I was excited. I never forget it.
    The surprice was a beautiful doll. The doll is wearing a pink dress and white shoes. The doll has blue eyes and blond hair. It was beautiful.
    I played all day every day with my doll I remembered one day I cut its hair because I didn´t like with the long hair.
    Now I have my doll yet but I don´t play with it,but I think that, when I will have a baby I will give her my doll. Only I hope, She will like it.

  21. The most important things
    There are not a lot of things very important in my life, but I can to mention some:
    The most important things in my life are the memories, the photograph, when I am 15 years old my sister give me a photographic album whit photographs of all family from a lot of years ago. This is the best present that I have gotten. It is very important for me because I am the youngest in my family and I had memories of all. Even I preserve this album.
    For this the other thing important for me is my photograph camera, it is with me all the time, I am fan to take photograph. I want it because I bought with my money and it was one thing that I wished. Whit my photographic camera I can capture unexpected moments and to keep it for a long time.
    The graduation ring too is important, because mean a great achievement for me, I studied Actuary, I like the mathematics and are it very difficult but I finished my profession, and now I am working and all days I wearing my ring.

  22. Much people think that the things aren´t important. However there are things that have great value and that usually haven´t economic value.

    For example I have a toy that my parents gave me when I was six. Now I´m 24 and the joy is with me still. Now it is old and colorless but I love it.

    Also, I have a glass heard that my daddy did me in his job. It is very special for me.

    Also, I have two rings that give me my grandmothers when I birthday 15 years old. One of them now is very small but still I keep it.

    Of course I have a lot of letters, targets, photos, drawings and poems that my boyfriend give me and also I collect all the cinema tickets since I have a boyfriend.

    Now I have added a piece more to my collection: engagement ring that is beautiful and it have great value for me for several reasons.

  23. Among all things there is a special gadget… my laptop. Why? I can do everything, listen to music, play a game, write a mail, try whit another operating systems like Linux and different software. Also this is an excellent hardware to make backups of my favorite music, movies and software (just backups not piracy, ok?).
    There is another special gadget, my iPod, whit it I can do everything as I do with my computer, even share music in a party, share photos in facebook and listen some music while I study English (jaja).
    In general I love new technologies, all kinds, cell phones, mp3 players, computers, os, smart phones, etc.
    Talking about all non material things, I like everything that my girlfriend give to me, for example letters, muffins, etc. of course, these things are more important than any other material thing, because these things are made whit love.
    Have a good week!

  24. I have three special things. My first special thing is a little puppet, it’s like a koala. It is pink with yellow and white. It’s very soft. It is special because my parents gave me when I got a good level in jr. school. Since days I had slept with it. My sisters told me that It is old but I don’t think the same. I loved it and believe the puppet give me good look.

    My second special thing in this moment is my cellular phone because I can follow up the outstanding work by e-mail, I use the messenger for to chat with everybody. Also I can to listen to music and I can to take pictures in everywhere and at all time. I think the technology is wonderful because I can do all on a single equipment. It has others functions but in this moment I only use these.

    My third thing is my Mike mouse’s collection. I have about 30 mike mousses. I started the collection when I was 15 years. I was fan of Disney world and some day my best friend got me one and then every birthday o special day somebody give one. It’s crazy but now I have a lot of this

  25. wow there are many important things, for somebody a car, for others a house, i dont know etc..., for me one of the most important things are every part fo my body ( arms, eyes, bones, muscles, nose, blood, etc...) is too important to me because i can do everything with that and if something dosent work very well so its hard to live like that also one thing sooo important is my knowledge that i´ve been gotten through my life, my values and i wish i had more about that and that is my goal, because its the only thing that we are gonna have after this life we have to get all the good things in this world and to learn from others persons, to have humility and to say YES YOU HAVE REASON IM WRONG... OSCAR

  26. I think the most important things in my life are my pictures, my pictures because I remember times in my life. The photos capture those moments where I am with my friends or my family, in bad moments or happy memories other important things for me is a watch that my dad gave me when I was a child is very special for me. in the present the important things is my iphone as it is an amazing gadget. is my favorite toy and let me listen to music, take photos, call my friends, my calendar, view my photos, play games and other things is perfect for me ja ja ja !!! Galicia Maravilla Luis A.

  27. hi everybody

    actually there are many things of great value to me. but there is a being who is everything to me. Its name is Dizzy. its my pet.

    I love it. dizzy is a bobtail. is beautiful, friendly and very obedient. dizzy to state my side for five years since she was a puppy. All weekend we walked to the park and lots of fun. really is the best company I have. I love much.

    I try to spend time with it. when we walked always find other dogs but dizzy is very friendly and play with it. I remember one day when dizzy was lost. I was very sad. I and my family went out to it. but dizzy is very intelligent and returned home since that day I have more care and not leave the door open. if something happened to dizzy. I feel terrible. I love that much. and is my best friend


    One of the most important things in my life has been my car. It was big, comfortable, economic, and very, very fast. It never broken down in the 2 years that I had it.

    In the other hand the traffic in this city is terrible, it’s really stressful to remain in the same place for hours and see full streets with out any advance. I have to tell you that I have lived this experience in the bus and is worse

    I visited different places with it, for example Zacatecas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Puebla and more and if I had to go out at night, I hadn’t worried about the time and I could return at home very late.

    In one of my trip, I went with my brother and my sister. I drove 16 hours nonstop, since Zitacuaro to Manzanillo, for a second I thought that it wouldn´t resist but was the opposite. It was very exhausted but it was worth it. I did a lot of things, I had a tour by the Manzanillo’s Custom, we ate typical food, we swam in the sea and bought a lot of souvenirs for my friends.

    I really miss it, these kinds of things at this time are basic, unfortunately I had to sell it a year ago because I want to buy an apartment soon.

  29. Hi, I am going to tell about important things:
    1.- One anecdote, when I was a child, I had a pillow, my favorite pillow, it was very dirty, worn, battered but one day my mom, she said me, I going to carry your pillow to laundry, while taking this one (a new pillow).
    Went with it, this pillow was with me since I was 4 years old. You remember Snoopy Cartoon, a character was a BIS, little brother of Marcia, he brought with him, his little blanket. Imagine that something similar happened with me.
    Passed, the truth can not remember, but a year maybe two or three, whatever, but that day, I went to attic, my favorite pillow, it was there. I asked my mom, why had she done that? She answered me, because you whit this pillow were a disaster.

  30. My laptop is the thing more important for me, because it´s my working tool.
    I can do many things with its, for example: homework, create simple software, surfing in the internet, sent my homework, take courses.

    I study APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, so Computer is essential for my major.
    But, I don´t use my laptop for homework and study only, I use it for entertainment and comunication with my family too.

    I say for entretainment because I like listennig to music, watch videos, visit social networks
    (facebook, HI5... well I'm not many accounts, jeje), play computer games, watch online TV.
    And I say for comunication with my family because my family live in Chiapas (everyone), so
    I send mails to my sisters (Ana Luz is 20years old and Ruth Nelly is 10 years old) and chat
    with my parents and my sisters, however they don´t use the chat every day.

    Then, my LapTop is a vey important thing for me.

    BY: Beatriz Gpe Rodríguez Rodríguez

  31. Well, I think the most important thing that I have it’s my cell phone. It’s important to me because I can communicate with all my friends or family, all time. On it, I have many numbers of persons that maybe don´t see nowadays, but someday I’ll see or I’ll call them.
    If I lose my cell, the numbers save in it are the most important to me, and recover all of them is almost impossible mission.
    Another reason, for which it is important, is the music. Fortunately I have a cell where I can listen to music and that is very relaxing when I have to go to the school or to the job, on bus.
    When I was a child my mom didn’t give me permission to speak long time, because it was very expensive and you bothered all the family, the advantage of the cellula is that you only speak and annoying to a single person the disadvantage is that no respect schedules and speak the 24 hours of the day.
    The technological advances are the cause that we become employees from the apparatuses, nowadays with a simple telephone you can take infinity from photos, videos or talk with somebody across of the world.

    In my life many things are very important but not more than my family and me, the things help us with common activities in our life.
    Computers, televisions, cell phones, cars, money are some examples but I talk about the thing that in nowadays is more important for me “the computer”. It is the perfect co-worker that everyone could have, it is never tired, it is never go out, it is always working as many as you, with it I can improve many things like to save important documents, illustrate my presentations, connect to internet, do the homework, it is perfect for all the people that want to get a good administration in his life.
    But a computer is only a thing, it doesn´t give us affect, advices, it can´t listen us, and it needs to be actualize.
    In fact the things like computers are only a tool, but in some cases it takes more importance that it should.

  33. Use of Internet:

    I think TV is still the number one medium of communication and entertainment, but in these days the internet is the most popular type to connect with word. The internet is used for many things like entertainment, play games, meet people, look for information and know about famous people life and culture. I think this is all good, but it also can be bad among young people without control of their parents. I have three daughters and they use internet for do their homework, study, play games and talk with friends, I am agree with this but I don’t like when they stay a lot of time in the computer because I´m not sure about the information and people in the web and their save.
    I like internet because I can meet other places of the world, look beautiful pictures of beaches, mountains, buildings, spas, restaurants, art and I know more about Andre Rieu and his music.
    Internet is good but I think that we must put attention on our children and their activities in the computer.

  34. The most importan thing I have many things that are very important for my life for example my cell, my laptop, my wallet and other things. When I was fiffteen years old my parents gave a watch it was a great gift. Every day I put it. But I like is to collect the films to Pixar Animation Studios of Disney all the films are the best them have a beautiful message.

    My laptop is very important for me is Where I have my works of the school, Ican send messages to my friends and know about what is it happening in the worl. Was great invention is very important for our life.

    My bedroom is the only place where it can be only there are two windows, where the morning the sun go in and in afternoon I like to see the sky and another thing that I collect are the films of MICHAEL JACKSON. My mom was a fan to him. When i was a little girl I liked much him He is my favorite singer. I have always looked after my things. It is part of my life

  35. Ohh, really I have a lot of things that are important for me, recollections, things that means something special and an other aspects but… a think that my thing more value is pillow, a black pillow, my best friend give it to me when I was seventeen years old in my birthday, I love this pillow it said “ Un cojin for you be happy” and its true I sleep with it, I don’t sleep without it, sometimes, when I travel to some place I take it for me haha its curious but I like it.
    When I am sad I take it and its remember me, always she is going to stay with me of any form and where I am.
    That is the reason that I like a lot this pillow it’s remember me her.
    Really, this is a little pillow, its black with gray and pink that’s very cool and always stays in my bed.

  36. I think, there are things which are important for me, because I have workd very hard to get them, so, I take care them, such as my car, my house, my pet, (I pick her up from the street since she was a puppy) although I don´t have a lot of time to take it for a walk, but I love her, she is like my baby.

    On the other hand, my family is the most important for me, because they always support me, when I have problems and we take care each other, I think, while you have somebody with who can rely on, you are never alone.
