Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"People who matter"

Along our lives, we meet soooo many people. We make friends at school, at home, the gym, a party or simply on the bus or walking on the street. It's funny how some of them stay in our lives for years, but some of them, we see no more, they simply vanish. Ok, in this, our second topic of discussion of this week, let's share about some of those people you treasure the most....why is that so?


  1. People who matter

    The most important people in my life are my family. I have two brothers and a sister, I’m the one in the middle, and that’s cool. My sister is 28 years old, my brother is 27 years old, and my little brother is 22 years old, and I’m 26 years old.
    They and my parents are the most important people for me because they has always been there to help me in every thing I need, and they always talk to me, and listen to me, and take care of me, and I give thanks to the lord for that.
    I think there are so many people in the world that could be part of our life, and we can accepted that people and make some good friends, but we need to learn to be good friends for those people and not only take what they offer to us, because in every thing you do, if you give your love away it comes back to you, however I think the best people you can find in this world is your family, they always be there for you
    By: Omar Jimenez

  2. I think the same, because when you need something, always the family are in side, them are unconditional, sometimes we arent'n the best sons, but our parents are a god people, I am the older, the heir, the darling of my dad, I love my father, witn my mother I never agree.


  3. My friend from school and work
    When I was 17 year old i went to college and i began my actuarial formation. I studied in the most important university of Latin American: UNAM. I love the mathematics but the mathematics that you study in “ACTUARIA” is very difficult, however if i have a new opportunity to choose profession again, I decided study again the same.
    While I was studying, I met good friends Luis, Efra, Azahel and Ana . They were very intelligent and funny, and sometimes we went to drink beer in the middle to the class, of course if I was not going to drink my beer then I was studying in the library.
    One of my best friends the college is “Ana”. She was the best student that I know and not is the unique talent she is funny and intelligent. She is not only my friend; while I was studying I worked in the store to my uncle and she also with me. She is the girlfriend to my best friend. Last month she received the medal "Gabino Barreda"
    Once while I was studying I went to International Festival “Cervantino” with her and his boyfriend.
    However she is not my unique friend while I was working in the store I met best to my cousin "Oscar" he is Rastafarian, she worked with me for two years, he is very popular with the girls
    All the time , he ask me the same
    What is an Actuary?
    And I answered I don´t know well, but I decided study this profession because I love the problems

  4. The people who matters me are my family, my mom, my dad my brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and all the members of my nearby family… Of course my boyfriend and friends, the people with I work.

    I think we should take more interest in all the people around us.

    Sometimes the people need some support or a smile, to have a better day or a better attitude in the life and if we are nicer the people will be nicer with each other.

  5. The people more important in my life are my family. They have been always with me, in the best, bad and terrible moments in my life and without them I am not been here today.

    Mi mom is the person that more admire in entire world. She’s a strong, professional, lovely, funny, woman (mmm not always but I love her a lot), and I'm so happy because she’s my mom.

    The love of my life is my complement since 5 years, I love him with all my heart and I don’t need anything anymore.

    Mi best friends are Belinda, Rene, Alejandro and David.They are the best. Alex, David and I call us “The invisible friends”; I love them a lot!

    Although they aren’t “people” I love my pets like they were my children.
    Yago it’s my little boy , Chiquita it’s a sweet cat and a little irritable, Chewbacca it’s a crazy girl that every night have bad dreams or something but she always scream jajajajaj and Chispa my little dog that I found in the street and I was loved since this moment. We are a family a little exotic but happy

  6. Ok
    I think that my family is one of most important people in my live. My mother, my father and my siblings have been the motive to a lot of things.

    I always believed that the family is the first strength in all our live.

    However there is other person that is very, very important to my live because he is the love in my live. His name’s Jesus, and he´s my boyfriend. He´s 32 and he will my husband in July.
    I met to Jesus in the university, when both studied Communication. Now we have four years together and we love.

    So the most important people to me are my family and my boyfriend.

  7. Hi averyone, I have not too much to say, in fact noting more that you people have said. ¡Viva la familia!
    Sorry, no Spanish.
    However, I have to write something in English. I’m going to star at the beginning. As you said, Dora, I’m surprised, now I’m in a ciber café in Chilchotla, Oaxaca, there is no cell signal but there is an internet connection, so I can make an effort to extend my words for everyone. Fifteen years ago I went to Veracruz with some friends, suddenly, trying to swim in the ocean, better in the Gulf of Mexico, I lost the way and I almost get suffocated, (I don’t know the Word for the same idea but talking about water). The first thing that I did when I saved myself was call to my brother. I did not though abut, I just did it.
    I’m talking about other people who matters to me in a next post.
    By the way… there is a “Taberna” near to here “LA TABERNA DEL GORDO Y EL FLACO” I don’t know… something could be happen.


    Hi… in the second paragraph must to say “I did not thing abut”

  9. People who matter!!
    Now, when me asked who are the people who matter for me? I always reply that is my family. Because I have a wonderful family, my mom, my dad and my younger sister, I love them all.
    But there are other people that I care, as my best friend from high school, her name's Elisa.
    My friends from the University, are Magali, Maritza, Sandra and Edith. All of them are very funny, intelligent and wonderful. Because they always support me. We love going to see movies.
    My boyfriend, he is called Charles and is the best person, he is very intelligent, kind and very valuable for me, we met when we were in high school and were best friends.
    My teachers and friends, Daniel Gerber is an excellent teacher and psychoanalyst is from Argentina and we get along very well, and teacher Alma Rosa Sanchez she's very good friend and intelligent, she is a feminist and very important for their work within the FES Acatlán.
    I really feel very happy and proud to have these people in my life.

  10. Hello, I want to talk about a great boxer called Emmanuel Pacquiao as well known as Manny “Pac-man” Pacquiao. He is a Filipino boxer.
    Actually he is the Welterweight Champion of the World Boxing Council, he started to fight since he was 16 years old, but his first professional debut was a 4-round against Edmund “Enting” Ignacio on January 22, 1995 in which he won by unanimous decision. Since then the legend started.
    On December 6, 2008 Pacquiao fought with Oscar de la Hoya at MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada in a fight called Dream Match. Pac-Man beat De La Hoya from the first assault on the eighth assault and Pac-Man won by technical K.O.
    Until now he has won 9 championships and he goes for more. Pacquiao also appears in video games: Fight Night: Round 2, Fight Night: Round 3, Fight Night: Round 4, to name a few. He is the first Filipino athlete to appear in a game.
    And on March 13, 2010 I invite you to watch the Pacquiao vs. Clottey Fight in channel 5 and you are going to realize that he is the best boxer ever known.

  11. People!!
    Who are? My family… I enjoy my family I love them. My parents are wonderful , the my father´s name is Nolberto and my mom is Bertha. I have a sister her name is Heidy, she´s 19 and my brother his name is Carlos, he´s 27, He´s married and He has a baby, I love her!!! Her name is Perlita and is a beautiful baby, she´s 3. I´m happy with my family because they are good persons. Sometimes we go out together and we are a happy and together family.
    My girlfriend is very special I lover her, she´s very beautiful, nice, pretty, friendly, is a good person. I meet her 9 years ago in the elementary school we were friends but since 1 year ago she is my girlfriend, never we thought that. She´s the same years old and She lives near of my house.
    My friends are important too, in the university, in the English, and my teachers. They are very important in my life I´m with a super people: My family, my girlfriend and my friends, teachers.

  12. Hello!
    In my life there are many important people: my parents, my brother, my family and friends, but today I'll talk to my best friend.

    My best friend is Ivan, I met a year ago when I was entering college. The first days at school we didn´t speak, but one day work as a team and we couldn´t be one without the other.

    Ivan is about my height, his skin is white, he has brown eyes, his hair is curly and he is 20 years old. He is very funny, friendly and intelligent, he likes to dance, sing and tell jokes, always he puts me in good spirit. He has taught me a new way of life and laugh at myself.

    He is to blame for the cell I fall often, because we are always playing, Every day brings me sandwich to school and I bring fruit to complete our breakfast. Ivan is very concerned about me and always he has time to listen and help me in my problems. He is an incredible person, also he gets along very well with my family and my mother loves him because it's a boy who cares much for me.

    I love him and I´m really very happy when I'm with him. Your friendship is very important in my life!!!


    •My Mom because she always has been looking after me, and giving me advice. She’s a a kind, generous, honest, loving person, the best MOM in all the world! She has taught me most of the best things I’ve learned in my life. Her favorite hobbies are gardening and cooking and I must say that his favorite singer is Juan Gabriel.

    •My Dad because he has always taken after me, and he always has wanted my own well-being. He has taught me to be a person of profit, as same as my mom, he has always supported me unconditionally. He is a hard worker, too responsible, a bit messy and grumpy. His favorite hobbies are watching soccer and boxing and he likes cooking barbecue too. His favorite singer is Vicente Fernández.

    •My brother Erick, he’s 4 years younger than me but in spite of the age difference we have a good relationship, he’s pretty much like my Daddy they resemble a lot, both are very grumpy, but my brother is also very kind and generous as my Mommy. He enjoys practicing boxing, his favorite food is chilli peppers with cheese, (chiles rellenos) a popular Mexican dish.

    •My brother Orlando, he’s eight years younger than me, he is very sociable and funny. His favorite hobby is taking care of animals especially roosters.

    •And finally, my boyfriend, he is the nicest person in the world, he is totally a gentleman, he’s kind, polite and also a hard worker, I think he’s plenty of qualities besides he loves me very much.

  14. The most important people in my life are my family and my friends.
    My family because they always are with my at any moment, I have 5 brothers and one sister and I am the youngest of all my family, is very difficult live with men but is too funny. We are close family, the problems are not very important because together we solve it.
    My friends because they are with me always that I need them, my friends are Angeles, Nancy, Liliana, Monce, I meet 10 years ago in the high school and now we see again frequently.
    The other friends are Delia and Oscar, they are my friends of all my life, I meet them when we were 6 years old, we go to party together. Delia is the girlfriend’s brother. Fer is my friend the University, now we go shopping together. Other friend is Elizabeth, I met her a lot of years ago, but we were friends 2 years ago, when we began to work together, now she is one of my best friends.
    Other person important for me is Jose Luis d, he is a doctor and I met his 2 years ago, I was working with he, he is 72 years old, and he is the most interesting person that I have ever met. He works a lot of places, and he has visited a lot of places in the world. We talk for long time; he has lived a lot of things. We are friends and I admire him. Now we don´t work together but we send mails.

    I´m going to talk abaut my friend. She´s very importan in my life because I passed many experiences with her.
    My best friend is Norma I met her the firts day at school we were together for five years. She has brown eyes, long and brown hair. She is thin and tall. She is intelligent, friendly and nice.
    She live with her grandparents because she doesn´t have mother and her father has other family but she ´s very happy.
    When was Friday we went to the movies, took a cafe, danced or only walked on the grass.
    When we went to a party she slept in my house I remenbered that we talked all nigh about the party and the people, it was funny.
    When we finished the mager we was happy but we was sad too because this day was last day together.
    Now She is a ingenier and she´s working in a important company. She´s married and she has a beautiful baby. We´re going to visit Chiapas on November because we want to visit “el cañon del sumidero”and we will set up a meeting with other friends.

    The most important people in my life are many. because I have a big family and they are more special people and great for me
    My family is my reason for living and the greatest example of love and values.
    My dad is the sweetest person, sincere and strong. I really love him. his name is Jaime. My dad taught me the most beautiful things in life. My mom is a great woman. Her name is Yolanda. I love and admire her. is very strong and very tender. she loves my brothers and to me. she has taught me true love.
    I love my brothers. their names are Javier and jimmy. are very important in my life. they make me very happy.
    My sisters are my best friends. are always with me and I love them. Their names are Miriam and Lety. they are very special to me and are the best sisters in the world.
    My nephews and nieces are the joy of my life and hope for a beautiful life.

  17. I think about the most important persons in our lives are those that change us in anyway. They maybe can be family, friends or friends for accident. My family is the most important in my life, they’ve been with me in the best and the worst moments and I know they’ll stayed whit me.
    My mom is the best, although all we can say the same, my mom is my best friend too, she hears me, tell me when I do wrong things and the most important I know that she loves me. I have a sister younger than me and the relationship with her is funny, we fight sometimes like normal sisters, but at the end is a lovely relationship.
    My friends are important too, one of my best friend is Paula. We met when we were in high school. She is very funny and I love her.
    When we finished the high school, we went together at junior school. In our first day in the school we met to Norma, and talked whit she and immediately were friends. Together we are the power puff girls!! Ja ja!

  18. I have a lot of important people of my life for example my family and friends however in this moment I have a so special person. She is my a little nice because She is very sweet and tender. She is two years, she likes to dance since she was one year. She loves chocolates. She is very inteligent. I like to spent time with her on the weekends for to play anything else, we enjoy so much this time. She always smile. When I arrive at her house she run and she give me a big hug. It's so great.

    We will to organize a big party for her birthday. It will be in August. We will buy pinatas, balloons and candys.

    All my family are very happy with her.I beleive the reason is because she is the firt baby in my family.


    The most important person in my life is my sister. We live together since we were children. We studied in the same elementary school. When she finished the elementary school, she had to work because my father was sick and I had to work too, but my salary was for my studies and hers for household expenses that’s why she couldn´t study. She began to work at Chinese restaurant, then she worked in a cafeteria. Nowadays she is a waitress, she works in a restaurant in zona rosa.

    My sister is short and thin, she is very funny. And she likes to be careful with ours health, she likes to be cleaning all the time and shake all the things.
    She likes to play basketball, she likes running, she swimming and doing exercises.

    She works from Monday to Saturday and when she arrives at home at night, she makes housework and cook for us. She prepares delicious food to eat; she likes to do many things after the work and never is tired.

    She doesn’t have children but enjoys a lot to watch cartoons movies with us. Her favorite movie are Madagascar and bolt. She is very nice and I love her.

  20. In my life there are many important people, how my grandfather, my best friend, my daughter, my wife.
    Grandfather: He was a father to me, taught me to be a good man, hardworking, with his example I learned a lot. Your history is:
    He came from Aguascalientes to México city at age 16, after he worked a few of everything, he entered to work to Banco Internacional of bellboy, after he was a cashier, executive, deputy manager, branch manager, etc.
    He could be General Director of all the Bank. That was the best example he gave me.
    Daughter: She has been one the happiest moments in my life, she wasn’t a planed, yet I received she with open arms. She is my ADORATION.
    Wife: She is the best wife in the world, she is my PARTNER, my FRIEND, my LOVE, my SUPPORT, and she is my ALL.
    Mom: In my life I tell you that only one person I owe what I am, my MOM.
    My mom alone, with your effort, gave us all to my brothers and me, she gave us house, school, fun, extra activities, all. Why do I say that? Because she was a single mother, she educated us, she taught us by example, which anything can be in life, my mom is unique.

  21. The most important people in my life are my family, they have helped me in difficult moments and they have shared my happinesses and triumphs. My mother is my best friend and she has always good counsels, my father is very different to my mom, he is very little expressive but he is very intelligent. My only brother is Hugo, he is married but he lives in my house. He lives with Sandra my sister-in-law and Diego my naughty nephew, Diego is three years old and he is the happiness of our house. My friends are part of my family. I consider me a fortunate person because I have many friends and although often I can not see my friends, always we speak for telephone or internet to know about our lives. With them I have lived good and bad experiences. My big family is the Best have in the life.

  22. “About important people”
    In my life I´ve known every kind of people good bad, sad, happy, crazy, professional and dedicate. All of these people give taste to my life, everyone has his style, his point of view, and they give me good and bad advices but I´ve taken my own decisions, my stile and my friends.
    My best friend is Fatima, she is always with me in the best and the worst moments, she is a good confident, she is an honest a talkative person like me. I met her in the high school, we went on the same university at the same carrier and we stay together until she got married in 2007 but we are following being friends.
    For me every moment is good for to meet extraordinary people, to know the customs, its woks, its achievements, etc.
    Another kind of people make revolutions in the world with its ideas, inventions, etc., maybe bad or maybe good, the certain is that everyone has something to give.

  23. “The Waltz King”

    My favorite hobby is listen to music because it is relaxing and interesting.
    The Opera singers that I prefer are Caruso, Maria Callas (she died in 1987), Lucciano Pavarotti (he died in 2008) and André Rieu, he is a violinist, he plays classical music, he is 61 years old and he speaks a lot of languages like English, Germany, French, Italian and Spanish.
    He is married and has two sons.
    My dream is to see him on his show for dance and sing.
    In this topic, I will describe a part of André Rieu life, because he plays waltz music and I really like it so much.
    André Rieu was born on October 1st. 1949 in Maastricht in the Netherlands. He began studying at te age of five, he studied violin in “The Conservatory Royal” in Liége (1968-1973).
    He won the Premier Prix at the Academy in Brussels.
    André Rieu formed “The Maastricht Salon Orchestra” and performed as a violinist with The Limburg Symphony Orchestra.
    In 1987 he created “The Johann Strauss Orchestra” and his own production company.
    He plays romantic waltz music, classical music, popular and folk music with a “Stradivarius” of 1667.
    He is named “The Waltz King”.
    Everybody say that he is grateful and his music is wonderful. All people dance and sing on his shows.
    In fact, on November next André Rieu will present his show in “The Auditorio Nacional”, I hope to be here and have the best and magical night.

  24. In my life I have had many importante people for example in my academic life i remember to my elementary's friends Marco Mauricio Marisol an another more. In the seundary also i had many friends good for me and also I remember them Elihu Zamir Omar Efrain Jenifer Claudia Elizabeth and Alicia. They are very nice and now a day even see them. In the highschool was the period where I had more friends since my first day of classes I sitted down with my best friends Axel Christian David Eloy and Manuel.
    And the people most important for me is my family my brother my sister and my parents I love them. And last Mayra my girlfriend

  25. The most important people for me, is very difficult chose only one because I have my family that obviously are the most important but I have two best friends that I love too. But well at first I’m going to talk about my family, that is my mother, her name is Cathy, she’s forty three, I love she so much because she always stay by me in all the moments as difficult as happy; next my brother Victor, he’s fourteen and is the taller of us and the thinner too, he listen me when I’m sad and makes me laugh and I make the same for him; the last, my “little” brother Charlie, hi’s eleven, he’s a few chubby and he is so quiet, and like a little gentleman I love him too. And my friends, the first is Yareth my best friend since the elementary school when we are in 2° grade but when we get out of there she go to live to Morelia that’s made me sad but she come to visit me all holidays so our friendship continuous; then my best friend Julio, I met him in 3° semester in the high school, I love him do really because he was in a very difficult moment for me and he take care me always, he know that he can trust in me too for ever.

  26. I think the most important people in my life are my family and friends. One of the most important people to me is my mom because she always protects me. my mom loves me and supports me always, is the person who unites all family and cook delicious.
    Another important person is my grandfather because he always helps me on my problems my grandfather is very friendly and also very intelligent and I love him very much
    Significant other person is my best friend Adrian we are friends since 2000 you know is my other brother.
    I believe that family and friends are the most important in our lives

    Galicia Maravilla Luis Alberto

  27. Well, my family are the persons more important in my life. Because I've accompanied since my childhood and they teach me more thing. But I'd like to talk about Favy.

    Favy is my best friend. She come from Chiapas, too. We met in the high school, in San
    Cristóbal de Las Casas Chiapas. But, She don't come from San Cristóbal de las Casas. She was born on april 11st, 1985 in Serrano, Ixtapa, Chiapas.

    She was living in San Cristóbal de las Casas with her aunt because she started the high school. She was missed her mother and her country. She talked about her family and the river where she swam. However, she always have a smile when talk with the people.

    At the moment, she lives in Ixtapa Chiapas with her mother and her younger sister.
    She works in a office, so she is the breadwinner.

    BY: Beatriz Gpe Rodríguez Rodríguez

  28. I’m going to talk to you about values, which the society has lost, for example since a mother training to each son; in these times the mothers ensure anything them children, why? Because the mother is living of guilt, they feel guilty.
    Other example is the corruption, all in any place or anything with money will be fix.
    The honesty, this value is very important, but it is the most forgotten, one sees that people hope how abuse the other people (tranzar) the people should consider making good.
    Talking about respect, it had losing too. The marriages talk them horrible, equal that the children with your parents. The people is discussing when they go driving in them cars or in the supermarket, malls, street, job, any places, for what? They don’t know.
    I know that is going throw over while all the people put your interesting in be better.
    I think that all the my classmate know and they are making something.
    Recover the values
    Do you think?
    Best regards

  29. I don´t considerate a lot of people very important for me jaja… because the people need a lot of characteristics to be really important for anyone, not only for me.
    The people that is important for me in first place is my family, I think, because my family always stay with me, they were never making me alone, my mother always supports me, in the school, my needs in a general aspect, economically and in other similar aspects.
    My aunt is like a mother for me, since I was a little girl she was taking care of me, always stay with me in the bad an good moments, she passing a lot of time with me, all days and in Saturdays and Sundays me and her went to the cinema, go to shopping, a bought me a lot of things that I need, she supports me with the school, economically and in all of the aspects, economically in general aspects of my life, she doesn’t has any son, I am your only niece in México and I am very happy for this situation haha, I love my aunt.
    There exist another person who is especial too, my best friend Alejandra I know her since the kinder haha I really love her, she is wonderful, she stay with me in the worst and in the best moments in all of my life she always support me, she knows all about me, my fears, my likes, all of my thoughts, I love all her family too and her too my family, I know all of her too and always has been with her all time that she needs, I really lover her so much, Its more that a sister , it’s indescribable what it means for me.
    My grandfather and my grandmother always care for me a love them too and they are very, very important for me too.

  30. The most important people in my life are my parents and my sister, because they are who are always with me.
    My niece and my nephew are other people, who are happiness in the whole family.
    I have some friends very important for me, because they are very loyal, helpful, friendly, They are always watching to see what other people are doing, they are very good people.
    In this month one of them is going to marry, she is very exciting, I am with her and I am going to support her and enjoy her happiness.
    Finally, we meet people, who contribute in your life, maybe they pass for a short time in your life, but they left some very signifier that you will never forget, such as teachers, boyfriends, classmates and workmates. I remember my ex-husband, he was a very good person, just I didn´t want to be with him.
