Monday, March 22, 2021

A story that surprised me

 Share with us the story about the place, event or person that surprised you for good or for bad.


  1. I studied the high school in a particular school, si when I passed to the university I did the exam admission. I entered to Fes Acatlan and I had slow expectations. I though that I never going to make friends and I never going to feel confortable, but Fes exceeded the expectations that I had at the beginngin and I really loved it.

  2. About two years ago, I had the chance to go to Bring Me The Horizon's concert. My expectations were super high, specially because I had waited for this event for 8 months since I bought the tickets. When the day arrived I got to the Pepsi Center 9 hours before the hour of the concert, the wait was eternal. At the end, the concert was pretty disappointing. I expected it to be funnier, but it was an exhausting experience, and also I believe that the vocalist had been having a bad day, cause he seemed to be in an awful mood. Anyways, I had a good time since I was with good company! :)

  3. I met a boy on Facebook, we were talking for six months so we decided to have a date, he invited me to eat. This boy lives near from my house so I saw him a few streets ahead of my house because I don´t want to give him my exact address, when I arrived I didn´t recognize him so he started to said "shh shh" as if I was a dog instead of called me by my name, I really got angry and I felt uncomfortable since these moment.This guy looks so different in photos and in person, anyway it was a really bad experience.

  4. In 2019 I went to the Premios Telehit with some friends, I was really excited and I looked forward to the performance of a singer called LP, since online reviews say she's really good when she performs live. When she got on the stage I was very impressed, I honestly wasn't expecting her to sound that good, it was incredible, she has an amazing vocal range and her stage presence was very energetic.
    I really loved that experience and when the pandemic is over I hope I can see her in concert :]

  5. About three years ago, I went to Canada because of a scholarship. At the beginning I was so excited about it because I though I was going to live alone, but, one week before arriving in Canada, I found out that I was going to live with a Canadian family.
    It was so disappointing for me because that was not what I expected, however, when I finally arrive in Canada and I met the family, once again I get surprised because it was completely different than I thought. I really enjoyed the company and every moment with them. They were funny and friendly.
    Now, I think that my journey would not have been the same if they hadn´t been there.

  6. About three years ago, I went to Canada because of a scholarship. At the beginning I was so excited about it because I though I was going to live alone, but, one week before arriving in Canada, I found out that I was going to live with a Canadian family.
    It was so disappointing for me because that was not what I expected, however, when I finally arrive in Canada and I met the family, once again I get surprised because it was completely different than I thought. I really enjoyed the company and every moment with them. They were funny and friendly.
    Now, I think that my journey would not have been the same if they hadn´t been there.

  7. Have you ever tried Temazcal?
    About two years ago, a friend from USA wanted to had a special date in Mexico so I proposed to try Temazcal, at the beginning it was so interesting, we had been reading articles and positive reviews about that ceremony for days. It supposed to be relaxing and similar to a psychological therapy,we were into an igloo and in the center there were hot volcanic rocks, a Chaman poured water over the rocks to produce steam, then he started singing then talking about the four elements, I had never been in a similar ceremony before, I think that I learned a lot of this ancient ritual that has been part of our culture for mor than one thousand years but I'm sure that I won't tried again, we spent about 3 hours think and singing but by the time the ceremony finished, we felt as if we had been running all day. I remember that I slept like a baby.

  8. When I was in high school, I used to think one of my classmates was incredibly anoying. A few weeks later, we had to work as lab partners, we talked a lot and exchanged multiple ideas. I realized we had a lot in common and I had just been rude and closed- minded. We're really good friends now.

  9. This has been the worst date I have ever had: When I was in high school I started talking to a boy who went to Fes Aragón, there were no "romantic" plans, we were just getting to know each other and we arranged to meet in a mall near the high school. The boy arrived 1:30 hour late, he tried to kiss me multiple times, even though I told him many ice cream options and he chose, he complained about the price and taste. Then he asked me for my notes and began to criticize the way I did them, already at the end of this horror story he told me why he hadn't had a girlfriend since 6 years. Although the answer was obvious����

  10. Luis Gerardo Chávez RomeroMarch 25, 2021 at 12:35 AM

    The beginning of one of my main passions, the concerts.
    About five years ago, I had the chance to meet the Little Jesus band in one of the most strange places, in front of the Liverpool plaza near the Polanco Station. At that moment I didn't know who they are, when one of my friends told me about the event, I supposed it going interesting knowing my friend, but for a reason, I only had low expectations. In the places only were just around fifty persons with cameras and good vibes, my friend said to me: "Ey! Help me get in that van, I wanna take some cool photos" I believe that was a bad idea because the tent-covered all the vision on that side, but well I helped her; ten minutes later the band arrived, I don't want to lie I was very nervous, that was my first "concert" and I felt strange, with a new kind of energy wich emanating of the fans around me, like a sea of emotions and high expectations to the band. I never going to forget the feeling of that first song, my entire body shook with that bass when withing a voice immediately guide my soul in that sea of feelings, traveling on a sunny day without social media, without noise, without responsibilities, without long faces, only one color among us and the sky, Blue. I had never been so comfortable in my life, I experimented with music on a ship trip, traveling to Berlin, Japan, and come back to the north of Mexico. At the end of the day, I just look at a big smile between my friend and me, expecting the next concert. :D

    1. Luis Gerardo Chávez RomeroMarch 25, 2021 at 12:45 AM

      About seven years ago, not five, hehehe.

  11. About 4 years ago I wen't to Ariana Grande´s concert. I was having problems at that time so when I knew about the concert I was so excited. When I got to the Sports Palace it was raining and all the people began to push each other to protect themselves. Unfortunately in that confusion my tickets were stolen from my purse. I was really disapointed because it was alredy inside the concert. It supossed that everyone has a ticket on that part of the building. We decided to report the tickets and for luckly they agreed to give us others. At the end it was a good concert and my friends and I enjoyed it.
