Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Personality issues

'I was born this way' is the quote many people follow to possibly avoid the fact of reflecting about one's own personality. Other people say 'character is what distinguishes one person from another'. Have you heard what people say about your personality? How have they describe you? Have you actually thought about those aspects that distinguish you? If you could distinguish some of your good traits from the ones you consider less favorable, what changes or adjustments would be necessary to improve your personality behavior and possibly make you a better person?


  1. I think it's obvious that we born any way or another, but it doesn't mean that is the best way to be. I really believe that we have to improve with the knowledge we get from every thing, situation or person in order to be a better person everyday.
    Sometimes it's difficult to believe how the people see you, but it's your challenge to make people consider you a good person. It doesn't mean that you must be a saint!! But try not to judge or hurt others, instead, try to be helpful, considerate and solidary with other people (even if you don't know them) and with the environment. I recomend: behave with others as you would like to others will behave with you.

  2. According with this topic, I want to express my opinion about my experience like a Teacher’s Assistant during this semester at FES-Acatlán.

    If you want to be a Professor and you need some experience, the University has a course of teaching-learning techniques with value-curricular for students of this institution. The course not only offers a base theoretical for being implemented in class, also you can exchange your experience like a Teacher’s Assistant with others persons and it is a good exercise of reflecting about your relation with the students or your role in class.

    This practice was an aid to me, because I expressed my weaknesses front of the class and my classmates gave me some tips, another thing that I learned was how to know the aspirations or the interests of your students with the objective to improve the environment of the class, because sometimes the Professors forget this part. Finally I must be honest with myself and recognize when I have wrong, for example, if the students didn’t pass an exam, they couldn’t be the problem, I can be the problem and I must accept it.

    This is a pedagogical view point, but the Teachers or in this case the Teacher’s Assistants belong in a context social, political and cultural and our beliefs and values are expressed in actions and behaviors that could impact in a positive or negative way in the students.

  3. I think is important to know how is our personality before we start to give an opinion about other person, because is easy to find faults in the people, but when we ask, what about with us? stars the dilemma and I think it could be a problem for some people because don't want to accept his or her personality, in my case I'm very strict with me in all things; because I think if I'm well, the people around me will be well too, for example I enjoy dancing and is my favorite kind for doing exercise, so I give dance classes and every day I try to practice more because my students demand that. Then I think if I effort with my classes my students will dance better than me, and I successful that, so I proud in it, and is when I think "if I want I can to do everything" and this is my favorite phrase, and is the form to cheer me up!

  4. I'd like to start this comment giving you the results of this test that I just did.

    Introverted (I) 61% Extraverted (E) 39%
    Sensing (S) 73% Intuitive (N) 27%
    Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45%
    Judging (J) 64% Perceiving (P) 36%

    I think it's a little bit wrong 'cause people always says that I'm extraverted and I'm agree with that opinion. I'm the kind of person that prefer to hang out with some friends and stay around laughing and making jokes.
    It's really important for me to stay always happy and smiling, I don't like that other people notice when I'm sad or worried.
    I know that a real bad aspect about my personality could be that I'm stubborn and sometimes I have difficult times becuase of that. A good aspect could be that I like to finish everything that I start, when an objective enter in my mind, I don't stop until I reach it.
    And again I have this link for you guys...
    Make the test and find out your kind of personality ☺

  5. I don't even know what people says about me, all that I can remember is that people say: "your funny, but you are quite arrogant and bla bla bla...."
    I think you shall careless about people judges and care about your own actions, make the right choices unless you want to end up saying "what did I do wrong?, it couldn't be worse"

    the last decision is yours, you'll be what you have to be, but no more.

  6. I think the personality is the best form to identify a person, but sometimes, when you see a person in specific, she or he makes you feel angry or something that makes that you don´t want be here or his friend. That situation happen to me very frequently, for example I´m very gestural so I tend to bowling my eyes or move my mouth and for this actions some people thinks that I have bad character but when those people really treat me they realize that I am a simple person, yes with a strong character but too with a lot of patient and tolerance.
    So, if I could I change that behavior, because it makes that some people don´t want to be my friends or something like that; on the other hand, the good aspects for me I think is that always finish the projects that I start, I make a big effort for have success in my academic life and to be the best in the future, In my personal life when someone become in my friend, I´ll always be there for that person for the good and bad things.

  7. Personality... I think... The way I used to be when I was younger is very different from now. Also, reponsabilities change the way I see life and therefore my attitude towards life and otjer people.
    If i were I used to be I would be more charismatic. But I añso used to be fake witth me and the others. Now, I am a serious person. Mosg people doesn't like the way I think, but usually O am right in my viewpoint.
    Popularity, less than many yeats ago. Does it matter? Yes. Ego is important.Vanity is nice. But true is more important.
    What I could suggest? Write goals, thoughts, and compare from time to time and each time check if you still agree with them. I will garantee more happiness and adventures than others of your same condition.

  8. Well I think that is ok the way you were born, because if you accept yourself just the way you are, and do not care about people´s opinions, you can become a strong person,with a high self-esteem. Obviously I mean about the outside. Because talking about the personality i think that you can change the bad things, you have to get over yourself, try to be a better person and don´t get stuck.

  9. I can tell you I used to be accommodating with everybody. I think I wanted to get along with everybody. This behaviour maked me do tings i didn't want. There were times when a friend could mock another person wasn´t here or a fat person then my friends could laugh and I could too but I could know it was wrong.
    I hadn't been honest with them but most important I realized I hadn't been honest with myself.
    Now, I don´t things I don´t want to do and respect the others. I feel better to be who I really am.

  10. Lourdes Calderón lobatónJune 29, 2011 at 7:36 PM

    In my opinion you built your personality when you are a child, some features are unique and are developed only with the experiences that you acquired, also the attitude, so it is very important the family education since the “early days” . But finally when we acquire experiences and when we grow, we have our own decision to be a good person or not, but who decides what is good or bad? I think eventually the society have the decision.
