Saturday, November 6, 2010

Love and friendship... where is the line?

It has been a while since last time I posted something to discuss about. This time, I would like to open our conversation with a topic that, even it's been long discussed, still intrigues me. Im sure we all have seen films about it, read books and stories related to it but the questions is still in the air.... Is it possible to have a very, very, very gooood friend, grow and nurture a close relationship and not to fall in loved with him/her? Is it possible to see the line between friendship and attraction? If one person starts having feelings towards that friend, is it worth telling him/her about it? Could that friendship be ruined? Humm... what do you all think?


  1. hello testing...
    Dell,I think that it is difficult to separate love and friendship, bit not impossible.
    i hace good friends who never we become a couple ir had a relationship. bit we, at the end expressed the posibility.

  2. I think that if you have your bff in the end you will mix up friendship and love and you can do nothing about it.

    you can not choose who you fall in love with

    "gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love"

  3. hi i think about this issue when you have a friend in my case I would say but that would ruin the relationship a little but better put and wait
    if she feels the same

  4. Love and friendship ... love is very true and beautiful :)
    , I Nahum quintero this June 8 compliance five months with my girlfriend these past 5 months ja,I've enjoyed have been beautiful I did not believe in love for me never had love but saves real mind believe in love

  5. Congratulations. I would like to live sth like that. Snif!

  6. Well i think that maybe you can fall in love with a really close friend.. because you spend a long time with him or her, you share experiences and goals, bad and good moments and all of that stuff makes a special person for you.. so maybe you can begin to love your friend. And the relationship may become complicated.. but also i think that if you always saw your friend like a friend even if you went through a lot of things, you cant fall in love, because you only see him just like a friend and no more..
